In some cultures, it is highly polite to belch loudly after a meal. (And you wonder why I think manners are ridiculous.) This brings several questions to mind.
What if you can't burp on demand?
What if you're sick, and you throw up every time you burp? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of eating the meal?
What if the meal was something bland, and you can only manage a weak burp?
What if you choke on the burp?
How many times can one possibly say the word burp in a single post?
Anyway, I was wondering, and this kind of goes along the lines of Rock Music and Mennonites, will it be impolite to burp in Heaven?
When I brought this up earlier, my dad questioned the glorified body's ability to burp. Of course we'll be able to burp. Jesus could eat after the resurrection, couldn't He? And if you can eat, you can swallow. If you can swallow, you can burp.
But will we be allowed to?